Sunday, September 5, 2021

Useful Thai Expressions | Part 1

Super Useful Thai Expressions, Part 1

*Intermediate Level*


1. ถูกเผงเลย - (thùuk phěng ləəi) - Spot on!; Exactly!; You hit the nail on the head!

- ถูกต้อง(เลย) (thùuk tɔ̂ng; thùuk tɔ̂ng ləəi) - has a similar meaning but is a bit less emphatic.

2. นั่นแหละ - (nân-lɛ̀) - Exactly; That's it/right; There you are then; That's...(or emphasizes preceding part of the sentence).

3. (ก็)นั่นนะสิ(nân-nâ-sì; kɔ̂ɔ nân-nâ-sì) - Quite right; Yes...; Exactly!; That's just it!

4. จะไปแล้ว(cà pai lɛ́ɛw) - (I) gotta get going; I'm gonna go now; I gotta run

5. ไปไหน(pai nǎi) - Where are you going?

6. พูดเล่น(phûut-lêen) - Just joking; I'm kidding

7. อย่าพูดเล่น(yàa phûut-lêen) - Don't joke around

8. โอ้โฮ(ôo-hǒo) - Wow!; Oh!; Gee!; Holy Cow!; Whoa!; (shows suprise in a kind of cute, commical way)

9. ตายแล้ว(taai-lɛ́ɛw) - Goodness!; Shoot!; Shit!; Oh my!

10. ทุกอย่างจะดีขึ้นเอง(thúk-yàang cà dii khʉ̂n eeng) - Everything will be okay/work out; It will all work out.

11. อีกแล้วหรือ (ìik lɛ́ɛw rʉ̌ʉ) - Again?!; It happened again?!; You did it again?!

12. ไม่ใช่ครั้งแรก(mâi-châi khráng-rɛ̂ɛk) - This/That/It's not the first time.

13. คุณว่าอะไรนะ(khun wâa àrai ná) - What did you say?

- คุณพูดว่าอะไรนะ (khun phûut wâa àrai ná) - is a bit longer and less casual way  to say this.

14. ใครว่า...(khrai wâa…) - Who says...?; Who said...?

15. โธ่เอ๋ย/โธ่เอ๊ย (thôo-əə̌i/thôo-əə́i) - Oh man!; Come on man!; Oh dear!; Shit!; Damn!; etc.

16. อะไรก็ได้(à-rai kɔ̂ɔ dâi) - Anything’s fine.; Whatever you want.; whatever; anything

17. หุบปาก(hùp-pàak) - Shut up!; Keep quiet!; Shush!; Zip it!

18. บอกแล้วไง(...)(bɔ̀ɔk lɛ́ɛw ngai…) - I told you…; I told you so.

19. อย่ามาอยุ่ง(กับ)(yàa maa yûng; yàa maa yûng kàp…) - Don’t mess with (me)!; Leave me alone!; Bug off!; Stay out of it!

20. พูดง่ายแต่ทำยาก(phûut ngâai tɛ̀ɛ tham yâak) - Easier said than done!; Easy to say but difficult to do

You might also want to read: Useful Thai Expressions | Part 2


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